Responsible Business 

In the modern world, the focus of business is not simply on making profits, but also, the way profit is being made. The old concept of the corporation, having the sole objective of profit maximization, is gone. Today, sustainability of business is the starting point of debates on business objectives as such. Against this paradigm shift, it is important for all types of businesses, to introspect on how they have dealt with the ‘triple bottom line’. Have they given fair wages to their workers? Have they destroyed the environment or not? Have they done justice to the community which allowed them to function? The answer to these questions tell them, how socially responsible they are. Starting from the corporation, down to the micro enterprises, the core principles remain the same. However, the question relates to policy and strategies. ISED, having a separate centre for responsible business, has the expertise and resources to educate and sensitize on this subject area. It has also produced several titles of related interest. More…

  • Indian Financial Service Companies: Towards a Business Model and CSR Strategy
  • MSMEs and Responsible Business: A New Agenda
  • Responsible Business: A Learning Portfolio
  • Responsible Business: Experience from Selected SME Clusters in India
  • SME Social Responsibility: Experience from Select Clusters in India
  • The ABC of Social Responsibility for Small and Medium Enterprises
  • Working with the Bottom of the Pyramid: Responsible Business in  Developing Countries