ISED Book Shelf

New Titles from ISED.....                                 ISED Bookshop Catalogue...

Public Policy

Public policy, in simple language, means what the Government does and what it does not. The concerns of the people get articulated through several means, such as political campaigns, media reports, agitations etc. On the other hand, public policy that gets effective shape, continue to influence the lives of its subjects. Therefore, public policy is both a cause and consequence that defines the day- to- day lives of people. For ISED, public policy is a key theme of its research and practice. As such, it has produced a number of titles in this subject area. More......

Gender and Development

It is now a well- recognized fact that gender- balancing is crucial from the angles of productivity, economic growth, and social progress. Following the International Women’s Year (1975), gender mainstreaming has taken a prominent place both in the theory and practice of development. ISED is participant to this mainstreaming and has, in the process, produced a number of titles. More......

Local Economic Development

While globalization is a key reality that influences the day- to- day lives of millions of people around world today, the latest global trend is towards a boost to local economic development. ISED has its contribution to both theory and practice of local economic development, and such activities are coordinated by a specialized Center of the Institute, called ‘Center for Globalization and Local Economic Development’. Please find some of our titles in this area. More......

Trade, Technology and Globalization

Trade and technology transfer are the most striking aspects of the economics of globalization. These aspects also influence the relative benefits of countries in a globalizing world. ISED has undertaken several studies and initiatives in this area, leading to an array of titles. More......

Annual MSME Reporting

ISED considers ‘communication’ as a vital link in the process of nurturing a vibrant MSME constituency. Communication, to the Institute, means both reporting and stake holder interactions. The Institute’s flag ship programme, called ‘India MSME Communication Programme’ brings out several titles every year. Of these, the ‘India MSME Report’ series, and the’ IMCP National Report’ series stand out. More......

Finance and Development

Finance is the jugular vein of any economic activity, and especially for micro, small and medium enterprises. An understanding of this critical role has resulted in a variety of initiatives, around the world, ranging from micro finance upto venture finance. The Institute’s initiatives and interventions in the subject area, has resulted in a number of titles by the ISED Book shop. More......

Business Associations

In the emerging world economic order, there is a new role for membership associations and chambers of businesses. While, in the past, these Associations were considered essentially in terms of their lobbying roles, in the emerging business environment, they can and need to perform a more constructive role, as providers of business development services. ISED, on its own and in co-operation with several international organizations and Business Schools, have conducted studies and other initiatives relating to this vital constituency. These studies enable researchers and practitioners to understand the present and potential role of Associations and Chambers. More......

Regional Spotlight on MSMEs

In India, micro, small and medium enterprises is a subject in the Concurrent List of the Constitution, and therefore, the Union and State governments have their role in legislation and design of programmes. Beyond this, MSMEs is essentially a regional subject, as they cater to the regions and local people. ISED has, to its credit, a number of studies and initiatives in the subject area. More......


ISED stands for “sustainable development through enterprise”. In a ‘sustainable development’ agenda, it is the creative role of people that drives economic progress. Unleashing this drive, called “entrepreneurship”, is the king- pin of economic development. Understanding this latent power of individuals and communities is crucial. ISED has conducted a number of studies and programmes that relate to the theory and practice of entrepreneurship. More......

Energy and Green Business

The new paradigm of Enterprise development has at its centre, the question of sustainability. Sustainability implies, not only the economic and social aspects, but more importantly, it is also a question of how we deal with the environment. It is essentially a question of how business is done, and the way it impacts on our environment. Hence, preserving and sustaining energy, which is the jugular vein of Industry, as also, the approaches by which the dimension of energy is built into the way business is done, are crucial concerns. ISED has initiated several studies on energy and green business at the regional national and international contexts, and has produced several titles of general as well as MSME specific interest. More….

Responsible Business

In the modern world, the focus of business is not simply on making profits, but also, the way profit is being made. The old concept of the corporation, having the sole objective of profit maximization, is gone. Today, sustainability of business is the starting point of debates on business objectives as such. Against this paradigm shift, it is important for all types of businesses, to introspect on how they have dealt with the ‘triple bottom line’. Have they given fair wages to their workers? Have they destroyed the environment or not? Have they done justice to the community which allowed them to function? The answer to these questions tell them, how socially responsible they are. Starting from the corporation, down to the micro enterprises, the core principles remain the same. However, the question relates to policy and strategies. ISED, having a separate centre for responsible business, has the expertise and resources to educate and sensitize on this subject area. It has also produced several titles of related interest. More…

International Studies

Micro Small and Medium Enterprises is an area of extensive policy and academic interest for the last 60 years or so. However, it has become an area of active international interest for the last two decades. While the subject was just confined to the limited areas of poverty removal and employment generation in the developing countries, today both the developed and developing countries dig deep into the subject in relation to its various dimensions. It is no more an issue of regional development; it is part of the international development dialogue today. ISED has been party to this dialogue for the last two decades, and has contributed, though in a limited way, to these debates. In the process, it has brought out several titles of related interest. More…

Social Enterprises

The conventional understanding of business is limited to the interest and concerns of the entrepreneur, and marginally, to the government as well. There has been a significant shift in the thinking on the role of business during the last couple of years. Enterprise development today is not simply the concern of the entrepreneur and the government. It is an active area of interest for the society. Of late, the concept of social enterprise has come to the main stream of academic and policy debates at the international level, though in India, such debates are more recent. ISED has produced several titles on social enterprises and related areas. More.... 

Business Strategies

The leading management schools of the world teach and train on business strategies. But these are largely confined to the context of the corporate sector. For Micro Small and Medium Enterprises, strategy is often close to the chest of the entrepreneur himself, and very often not discussed outside the four walls of his office. The subject however is of significant interest not only to the entrepreneur, but to the society as a whole, as enterprises at the bottom of the pyramid form the very foundation and mainstay of most economies of the world today. Based on its research, training and advisory interventions, ISED has brought out several titles in this area. More…..

Other Studies